Enabling Imatra to control and manage potential risks more effectively than ever before
Imatra Elekter is a DSO client with more than 25,600 private and business customers.
- 3091 km 0.4 kV – 35 kV electricity network
- 1322 substations
- the annual sales volume is about 227 GWh
Imatra’s main issue was the lack of information regarding the span and condition of the 10kV OH lines, long and expensive inspections and no digital data regarding the found line faults.
The success story of Hepta has become known due to a mix of unique skill-set and experience in the team:
- 15+ years of experience in on-ground grid inspection
- 7+ years of experience in helicopter grid inspection
- 8+ years of experience in drone grid inspection
- Including data scientists working with satellite data, software engineers deploying machine learning models, aerospace engineers having previously built manned helicopters