News about digitizing infrastructures and automating utility inspection with drones and AI

Hepta Group Airborne’s project is supported by Norway Grants Green ICT programme

Hepta Group Airborne is supported by Norway Grants Green ICT small scheme programme, aiming to stimulate and develop innovation-led long-term business cooperation between Estonia and Norway. The small scheme project is necessary to prepare for the main call project in order to further develop Hepta Group Airborne’s cutting-edge autonomous power grid inspection system. The aim of the small grant scheme project is to assess the economic and technological feasibility and reach a conclusion whether or not the project idea has a potential to implement in the main call. During the project, competition and market analysis will be carried out, business plan and IT development plan will be formed and search for a suitable project partner will be carried out.

Green ICT project number EU53340, implementation period 01.07.2019 – 31.10.2019.


If you have any questions regarding the project, feel free to contact Mr. Rune Stølan (ICB Digital AS):
phone: +47 400 41 425

or Mr. Henri Klemmer (Hepta), email:

ICB Digital homepage:



Forward-looking grid operators gather at the Hepta Innovation Summit

Last week saw different grid operators gather in Tallinn for the Hepta Innovation Summit, which aimed to encourage experience sharing and discussions about modernisation among DSOs and TSOs. Over the two day event, participants got a chance to hear presentations from both industry experts and innovation leaders and take part in a live demo day, showing the latest drone inspection technology.

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